TN Ujung Kulon


Geographical location 102°02-105°37 E ; 6°30-6°52 S
Administrative Location : Provinsi Banten (Kabupaten Pandeglang)
Area : 122,956 hectares
Temperature : 25° - 30° C
Rainfall : 3,200 mm/year (on average)
Altitude : 0 - 608 masl.
Best time to visit : April - September.

(Ujung Kulon National Park) forms the largest remaining lowland tropical rain forest ecosystem in West Java. Moreover, it is an ideal habitat for the rare animals like the Javan rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus sondaicus). The three main ecosystem types in the Park are marine, coastal and terrestrial. Natural riches in this park include huge diversity of plants and animals - were first recognized in 1820.

In this park : 700 species of plant are well protected, and about 57 of them are categorized as endangered species, including bayur (Pterospermum javanicum), bengang (Neesia altissima), salam (Syzygium polyanthum), and various species of orchid.

It is home to 35 species of mammal, 5 species of primate, 59 species of reptile, 22 species of amphibian, 240 species of bird, 72 species of insect, 142 species of fish and 33 species of coral. Besides the Javan rhinoceros, other endangered and protected animals are banteng (Bos javanicus javanicus), Javan deer (Cervus timorensis russa), panther (Panthera pardus), leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis javanensis), Javan leaf monkey (Presbytis comata comata), Javan gibbon (Hylobates moloch), and great clam (Tridacna gigas).

This Park is an attractive ecotourism site, with impressive natural phenomena of fast flowing rivers, waterfalls, white sand beaches, thermal springs, sea gardens, and cultural/historical remains (a statue of Ganesha).

The marine and river waters of the Park are home to many beautiful species of fish, including butterfly fish, angel fish, parrot fish, clown fish, mudskippers, and archer fish. The last two species each have a unique characteristic: Mudskipper can climb up trees, while Archer fish able to spit water up to two meters high to attact its prey (insects).

Ujung Kulon National Park, together with the Krakatau Nature Reserve, forms a national asset that has been declared as a Natural World Heritage Site by UNESCO for Man and Biosphere programs.

Interesting locations/attractions:
Tamanjaya and Cibiuk : the main entrance gate, with a guesthouse and a wharf. Cibiuk is a short distance from Tamanjaya. From here, it takes about 30 minutes on foot (a distance of about 2 km) to reach thermal springs.
Around Gunung Honje : there is a community of Sunda Banten people. This people are well known for their “debus" show using supernatural powers.
Kalejetan Beach : a good point to watch the pounding waves of the Southern Ocean, observe banteng and spot various plants. The beach is located about 11 km away (3 hours on foot) from Tamanjaya.
Karangranjang Beach : wave formations and a beautiful white sand beach, turtle hatching sites, and opportunities to observe animals such as iguana, deer, pigs, etc. It is located about 5 km west of Kalejetan Beach.
Cibandawoh : clean, white, sloping beaches, and a good observation point for deer, pigs, etc. It is about 6 km west of Karangranjang.
Peucang Island : white sand beaches, coral reefs, attractive crystal clear blue sea water for swimming, diving, fishing, snorkelling, and plant and animal observation.
Karang Copong, Citerjun, Cidaon, Ciujungkulon, Cibunar, Tanjung Layar and Ciramea : forest and river exploration, animals roaming through pasture, waterfalls and turtle hatching sites.
Handeuleum Island, Cigenter, Cihandeuleum : animal observation (banteng, pigs, deer, various species of bird, and tracking the footprints of the Javan rhino), exploring rivers and mangrove forest.
Panaitan Island, Gunung Raksa and Gunung Honje : diving, surfing, sites of historical/cultural interest.